We support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

TSUCHIYA SDGs DeclarationToward the achievement of SDGs

The TSUCHIYA Group will work with customers, cooperating companies, local communities, and all stakeholders to realize the "sustainable society" that the SDGs aim for, which is a universal goal.

Currently, based on the characteristics of each of the four priority businesses of our domestic construction business, overseas business, aviation business, and environmental business, we have extracted 12 goals that the Group should work on from the 17 goals of the United Nations SDGs, and are working to resolve them.

Will contribute to the achievement of SDGs.


No Poverty
No Poverty

Participate in Official Development Assistance(ODA)

TSUCHIYA has a large track record of ODA and supports the development of developing countries through construction work overseas.

Good Health and Well-Being
Good Health and Well-Being

Employee health care management, pandemic measures

In addition to requiring regular employee health checks, we are promoting mental health care measures in the workplace with an occupational physician. We are also doing our utmost to prevent the infection of the new coronavirus.

Quality Education
Quality Education

Education for group company and subcontractors

We provide various education opportunities to our employees and to our subcontractors. We also provide environmental education to local governments and elementary schools.

Gender Equality
Gender Equality

Kurumin mark certification

Our company has been certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare with the "Kurumin Mark" as proof that we meet the standards of a "child-rearing support company."

Affordable and Clean Energy
Affordable and Clean Energy

Spread of renewable energy sources

TSUCHIYA Group owns a solar power plant. We are also involved in a number of renewable energy related works nationwide.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promotion of work style reform

The "Work System Reform Committee,” an in-house organization, works toward creating a more rewarding workplace for all employees.

Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Development and introduction of new construction methods

Through civil engineering and construction work, which is our main business, we are contributing to the development of strong infrastructure.

We are also focusing on the development of new construction methods with the intention of saving labor at the site and utilizing DX.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Proposal of environment-friendly energy-saving buildings

TSUCHIYA is registered by the “Sustainable Open Innovation Initiative” as a "ZEB planner" with the design knowledge and technology to propose "ZEB“(Zero energy buildings) and reduce Co2 use.

Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption and production

Recycling of construction waste

We recycle construction waste at our own recycling center.

Climate Action
Climate Action

Introducing electric vehicles and EV stations

We will actively introduce electric vehicles (EVs)

and open quick charging stations in the community.

Life on Land
Life on Land

Biotope/Soil Contamination Improvement

In collaboration with the TSUCHIYA Environmental Education Promotion Foundation, we are working to conserve biodiversity by utilizing biotope technology.

We are also actively working on the restoration of national land through soil pollution improvement technology.

Partnerships for the Goals
Partnerships for the Goals

Collaboration with various organizations and companies

We aim to achieve the SDGs in collaboration with many people, organizations and companies in Japan and overseas.