TSUCHIYA by the numbers

4 key business

business for the TSUCHIYA Group

In those rapidly-changing times, TSUCHIYA operates principally in four key businesses (Domestic Construction business, Overseas Business, Aviation Services business, Environmental-related Business) in order to further increase the company value, and establish a strong foundation for management.

16 countries

TSUCHIYA has done construction work

TSUCHIYA began expanding its business abroad in February 2003 when it established the Hong Kong Office. Since then, it has constructed numerous structures overseas, mainly production facilities of Japanese clients operating in other countries (including ODA projects).

Average age29.2 years old

qualify as a registered architect

*Average age of those who acquired the license in 2020: 30.3 years old

(Source:“Examination Results in the Past Five Years” by the Japan Architectural Education and Information Center)

Average age27.8 years old

Average age to qualify as a licensed Civil Engineering Construction Management Engineer

*Average age of those who acquired the license in 2020: 37.6 years old

(Source: “A Review of the Technical Certification System” by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

TSUCHIYA provides an energetic working environment in which young employees can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. Its corporate culture encourages members to work to obtain the qualifications they want in their 20s by proactively delegating work duties to young members.

25 allowances

Qualifications for qualification allowances / congratulations

We encourage employees to actively acquire qualifications related to their work in order to improve the level of management, technology and skills of the company by rising the self-development of employees.

Congratulatory money is paid when you acquire qualifications such as Professional Engineer, First-class Architect, the First-Class Civil Engineering Works Execution Managing Engineer, Certified Public Accountant, First-class Building Operation and Management Engineer, Registered Real Estate Transaction Manager, Urban Renewal Planner and some English certificates such as TOEIC and there are various types of qualification allowances.


Percentage of employees younger than 30

TSUCHIYA has a high percentage of employees younger than 30, which means that new recruit can meet many experienced employees who are close to them in age, making it easier for them to seek advice on work and personal issues.

*Percentage of employees younger than 30 in the construction industry in 2020: 12% (Source: “Labour Force Survey” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

6 countries

Number of home countries of international employees

We are also hiring foreign nationals to promote diversity initiatives, and international staff from China, Peru, Vietnam, Nepal, The Philippines, and Taiwan are actively engaged.


Paid day-off acquisition rate (29 years old or younger)

We are promoting work style reforms and creating a work environment, in which every employee can easily take a day-off.

* Average paid day-off acquisition rate in the construction industry is 53.2%
(Reference : Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "Reiwa 3 Years Working Conditions Comprehensive Survey")


Rate of female workers' childcare leave acquisition for the past 3 years


Rate of male workers' childcare leave acquisition for the past 3 years

In order to balance employee work and worker's child-rearing, we are improving the employment environment and reviewing labor conditions so that every workers who has young children can easily take a child-rearing leave.

*Reference : Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Reiwa 2nd Year Equal Employment Basic
Survey Construction Industry, 81.3% for women, 18.7% for men on average


Ratio of female employees out of new graduates hired in the past 3 years

We have obtained the certificate for company based on the Law to Promote Measures to Support the Development of Next Generation enacted in April 2005, so-called Kurumin Certification. We are create a work environment where women can work comfortably, and promoting the active participation of female workers.

* Average Ratio of new graduate female hires who joined the company in April 2020: 19.9% for 34 major construction companies (Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun)


Ratio of new graduates to mid-career recruits

TSUCHIYA, which employs many mid-career employees, provides a working environment that is comfortable for everyone to work in.

The company also promotes diversity by proactively employing women and people from other countries.

10,000 households

Total electricity amount generated by renewable energy facilities constructed by TSUCHIYA

TSUCHIYA has been constructing many renewable energy facilities (photovoltaic generation, small hydroelectric generation, etc.) as part of its environmental business. It also proactively takes measures for global environmental preservation, such as proposing zero-energy buildings (ZEBs), restoring natural ecosystems, and improving soil contamination control.

*Calculated based on estimation of the annual power consumption per household to be about 3,000 kWh.
(Source: “Changes in Power Consumption per Household” by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan)