Through our corporate contribution activities,Tsuchiya emphasizes the global importance of raising the environmental awareness of children, who represent the future of our society,and offers them dreams and hopes for the future.
Holding of workshops for children
We host environmental workshops and events for children. These are produced by Kundo Koyama, a renowned television, radio, and script writer.
As part of an effort to preserve a rich natural environment for future generations, we are working to promote environment-related education that is designed to enable young people and the general public to get in touch with nature as well as to raise their awareness of the need to maintain the natural environment.
Protection activities
of wildlife species
At our construction sites, we carefully protect the habitats of each area's diverse biological species through biological surveys and conservation efforts. We engage in a variety of environmental conservation activities to protect endangered wildlife species, such as the "daruma" pond frogs (Rana porosa brevipoda Ito), which live in rice paddies.